Some photos taken with my mobile yesterday night! >w< i was working at my new doujinshi (narumitsu of course U.U <3 ) together with Cocoruru and Sori *w* while my cat was sleeping on the table! XD
*___* My favourite doujinshi artist is Miteyia (Otapyon).. finally the payment is done, soon we'll have the new collections! I'm so looking forward to get them! I'll consider this as a self b-day present XDD <3 puuuuuu non vedo l'ora!!! *^*
I just dunno where all this will take me to.. XD but well..i'm opening a lj drawing diary for my Bday! >w< i guess i'll just post GK related things here -w- soooo nice to meet you aand oo' hope this will be updated regularly -w- <3